Two weeks after the confrontation with Zisso, Cat, Odion and Nox are invited to a banquet at the guild house of the Crowthorns. This annual event sees all the notable and worthy of Nurfirg invited as guests of the most powerful family in the keep town.
The invitation to the High Cleric of the Order Perfin Gavuher, is delagated to the visiting paladin Gryff Lightscale. The red-scaled dragonborn is sent to represent the Order in a veiled insult to the authority of the Crowthorns.
Also invited is the scion of the House Wildguard of Aelsburg, Kazaban. The erudite elf has travelled to Nurfirg on uncertain business and presented his credentials to the local dignataries. Simple politics determined that he be invited to the party and his motives better understood.
As the guests arrive at the sumptous banquet, they are greeted with a host of musicians led by an elven minstrel in a sheer blue dress. She sings a wistful song that beguiles Kazaban and Odion who find common ground in the elven lyrics and make each others acquintance. Ever the social climber, Odion’s interest is also piqued by the distinguished Gryff who explains he is a holy warrior of the Divine Will.
Cat joins the conversation, claiming to be on a mission from the Divine Will as well but before Gryff can enquire further as to her meaning, Eshe Cinderwing arrives and takes Cat’s arm. The old patrician lady gossips with Cat and leads her away.
The guests make their way towards the banquet hall where Hudur Dake, the guild master is already seated. The sharp-eyed grey haired man sits in front of the fire where above its mantlepiece hangs a giant painting of himself in the traditional style. Before dinner can be served, the guests await for the arrival of Murith Hilrehd, Hudur’s adopted daughter and the guild’s record keeper. She arrives attired in a velvety black dress and sits at the opposite head of the table. Soon food arrives in gluttonous style: roasted pigs, ducks and racks of lamb ribs. There is also the delicassy of fish pâté which the uncouth Cat comments loudly looks like vomit.
Whilst the guests chatter and Nox pilfers some cutlery, Kazaban and Gryff carefully study the politics of the assembly. Odion uses a newfound ability to make a telepathic link to listen in on Cat’s conversation with Eshe.
Hudur makes a toast to the fortune of the house and the town being tied together and allusions to the rising troubles in the east. There is also talk of an imminent announcement of the appointment of a new house judicator since the last one, Hudur’s brother, passed away after a long-term illness.
The meal is interrupted when a young man splendidly armoured in golden plate arrives and moves to speak to Murith. The guests murmur that this is Hudur’s son Bisrat and the rumours that he may be the new judicator of the house. Murith and Bisrat leave the banquet.
Odion’s curiosity is piqued and he decides to follow them discretely. Believing Odion is going to an outhouse to relieve himself, Nox follows. The two Crowthorns lead them to the front courtyard where an elven women in ragged clothes has fallen sick on the ground. Odion observes as Murith tends to her and the elven minstrel they saw earlier sings a soothing lullaby. His keen eyes see that the sick woman’s eyes are bruised and a black, oily substance weeps from them. Before he can take a closer look, one of the Black Steel mercenaries guarding the guild house steps in front to bar his way.
Nox is confused by what is going on and after getting nothing from Odion, asks the guard where he can find an outhouse. He is directed to relieve himself in the alley outside, with due implication as to his station. Nox is not insulted and proceeds to leave the guild house grounds to do just that.
Odion pretends to leave as well but as he walks carefully closer to the stricken elf, tries his telepathy. But he nearly blacks out as a dark vision envelopes his mind. Murith stands up, alert and approaches him, completely aware that he has tried something. Odion still recovering from the sharp mental pain, tries to shake off her attention with a lie but Murith sees right through him. She demands he tell her what he has seen. Eventually, he tells her the truth and something of his developing powers of uncertain origins.
By this point Kazaban, intrigued by his new acquintance’s disappearance from the banquet, has found his way outside and has approached Odion in time to hear this conversation. Murith orders them both to accompany him and Bisrat back into the guild house. Bisrat lifts the sick elf as if she and his armour weighed nothing. The four of them plus the Black Steel guard head back inside as the guests are leaving. Odion spots Cat and Gryff on the way; asking Murith that they be allowed to accompany them. She agrees.
Once in a quiet study in the guild house, Murith explains that the sick elf is a refugee from the east. That she is not the first to come and nor the first to be so infected. Odion recalls the black fishy smelling oils that seeped out of the raised undead of the 13th Legion and makes a connection between the two. Bisrat tells them that the elf spoke of a witch in the woods to the east and the crypt of Shellogath, None of them appear to know this name although Kazaban who is nonchalantly drinking brandy in the corner recognises the name as an ancient wizard’s. He says nothing to the others about this at this time.
The Crowthorns appear knowledgable about the party’s previous exploits, urge them to investigate this witch and the crypt. They offer them provisions for the journey plus a substantial reward if they bring back information about this witch or end her schemes. After little time to consider the enormity of the ask, the party agree.
Meanwhile, Nox who was out in an alley relieving himself, returns and unbeknownst to the others <redacted for the time being>….
One response to “Under the Shadow: A Banquet at House Crowthorn”
[…] day after the banquet, the party find horses and provisions ready for them to head eastwards. No one remark on […]