Under the Shadow: Into the Forest

The day after the banquet, the party find horses and provisions ready for them to head eastwards. No one remark on Nox’s new plain-looking spear slung around his back. A House Crowthorn steward informs them that Cat has unfortunately fallen ill and will have to join them later. Saddling up, they are soon crossing the ancient stone bridge over the River Nur.

On the other side of the river, they find Black Steel mercenaries holding back about a dozen refugees from crossing the bridge into town. Questioning the situation, they are told they are under orders from House Crowthorn to keep refugees from the east out until the situation can be assessed.

The party accept this but soon are mobbed by desperate refugees asking for help. Touched by their pleas, Kazaban and Gryff head back to town to see what can be done. Kazaban goes to the Crowthorn guild house and delivers a letter asking they set up a refugee camp, offering to fund it with his family’s wealth.

Gryff takes a different tact and returns to the Temple of the Order. There he makes a case to Tibrat Sumrat, his clerical supervisor, that it is the Order’s duty to help. Tibrat is at first reluctant to encroach on a matter usually left to the Crowthorn’s but is eventually persuaded. Gryff returns with a number of acolytes carrying tents, clothes and provisions. They begin setting up a makeshift camp for the refugees.

Satisfied the refugees are being taken care of, the party heads east choosing to travel the most direct route through the Great Forest to the villages abandoned by the refugees. Riding across the plains on their horses they make good time, reaching the edge of the forest before nightfall. They make camp and prepare themselves for venturing into the forest the next day. Gryff tells the party that he bears a longsword that will wake them should they be set upon during the night. Thankfully, they sleep peacefully.

By about noon the next day, the party have made slow but steady progress into the woods. Tall pines mix with the bare branches of sycamores and oaks. As the party approach a clearing to take a respite, they hear barbaric voices in the distance. Three monstrous humanoids with jutting lower teeth lead a much larger bare chested ogre. The ‘orcs’ and ogre spot the party and battle is joined.

First to react is the speedy Nox, who launches himself at one of the orcs, his flurry of blows bringing the wild man nearly to his death. Then to the surprise of his new companions, Kazaban draws arcane energies and soon one of the orcs and the ogre are enmeshed in a silken web that restrains their movement. Gryff looks on in even more surprise when dark energies are drawn by Odion and a blast of eldritch fire extends from his hands. Gryff himself holds the line against the enemies, standing shoulder to shoulder with Nox, bringing down divine judgement on the mutated man-thing.

When the orc and ogre break free of the webbings, Kazaban uses his nimble elvish movements to embed himself in his own web, hoping to keep the foes at bay. Nox moves to grab the ogre’s leg and elbow his manhood. Odion continues blasting the area with his eldritch energies but soon finds one of the orcs swinging their big axe at him.

The tide quickly turns in the party’s favour when the orcs are defeated, leaving the lumbering ogre on his own. Magic, fists and blades pummel the hapless, blubbering monster and soon he crashes to the ground dead.

Kazaban takes a moment after the fight to use his arcane mastery to detect magic amongst his new companions. He finds Odion covered in the light green of defensive magics but tinted with a black oily sheen of uncertain power. Turning his attention to Gryff, he confirms the magical providence of his longsword. And then is perhaps more surprised to learn that Nox’s spear shines with a strong golden energy.

Before they can discuss amongst themselves the new things they have learnt about each other, they hear an elvish song of lament coming from the north. Seeking any clues they can, they decide to head that way… with much to discuss.


2 responses to “Under the Shadow: Into the Forest”

  1. […] from the victory over the ogre, the party follow the sound of the lamentations of an elf to the north. Up ahead, Cat wakes up […]

  2. […] After rescuing Simmerah, the party head deeper into the forest towards the Great Tree. At night, they leave Simmerah with the horses and make the remaining distance on foot. Shimmering lights like thousands of fire flies illuminate the majestic tree. By its outsized trunk, Cat and Gryff spot the shadowed outline of a person. Approaching closer, they a pale woman with brown hair and piercing green eyes. As she turns, Odion recognises her. It is Jasmine, his missing wife. […]