D&D 5E
Under the Shadow: The Great Tree
After rescuing Simmerah, the party head deeper into the forest towards the Great Tree. At night, they leave Simmerah with the horses and make the remaining distance on foot. Shimmering lights like thousands of fireflies illuminate the majestic tree. By its outsized trunk, Cat and Gryff spot the shadowed outline of a person. Approaching closer,…
Under the Shadow: The Forest Altar
Fresh from the victory over the ogre, the party follow the sound of the lamentations of an elf to the north. Up ahead, Cat wakes up after a most disturbing encounter the night before. Hearing familiar voices she calls out to the party and they are reunited. The night of the banquet, a wine-drunk Cat…
Under the Shadow: Into the Forest
The day after the banquet, the party find horses and provisions ready for them to head eastwards. No one remark on Nox’s new plain-looking spear slung around his back. A House Crowthorn steward informs them that Cat has unfortunately fallen ill and will have to join them later. Saddling up, they are soon crossing the…
Under the Shadow: A Banquet at House Crowthorn
Two weeks after the confrontation with Zisso, Cat, Odion and Nox are invited to a banquet at the guild house of the Crowthorns. This annual event sees all the notable and worthy of Nurfirg invited as guests of the most powerful family in the keep town. The invitation to the High Cleric of the Order…
Under the Shadow: The Story So Far…
The once civilized world is coming under the shadow, an amorphous threat arising from the east. Long ago the Golden Empire maintained peace….